The International Air Transport Association (IATA) set out an agenda for a stronger, safer, more secure and sustainable European aviation industry. Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO, in an address to the European Aviation Club entitled Charting the Right Course for Aviation in Europe, called on European policy-makers to prioritize four areas:
Regulating smartly
Reducing costs
Reinforcing security, and
Removing infrastructure bottlenecks
"Air transport plays a vital role linking Europe together with the rest of the world. In the EU, 8.8 million jobs are linked to aviation, as is EUR 620 billion in GDP. Some 650 million passengers a year rely on aviation to get them where they need to be. So it is vital that we work together to chart the right course for its future. For airlines, Europe is not an easy or cost-efficient place to do business. As global competition further intensifies it is only going to get more challenging—potentially costing European jobs, hindering European growth and reducing the European quality of life," said de Juniac. AirticketsONLINE De Juniac also had a message for global policy makers on the role of aviation as a catalyst for economic and social development. "Aviation is the business of freedom. Air travel liberates people to live better lives and makes our world a better place. The current political rhetoric is deeply concerning. It points to a future of restricted borders and protectionism. We see it in travel bans, border walls and trade agreements that are being called into question. Durable peace, prosperity or security have never been achieved through provocation, exclusion and division. The world has grown wealthier with people traveling and trading. That has helped to lift over a billion people from poverty. Aviation is proud of the role it plays in making this happen. Ensuring aviation’s power to connect people has never been more important," said de Juniac.
The full text of de Juniac's remarks is available on theIATA website. |