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ACI World, the voice of the world's airports, has confirmed that Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) CEO and executive director, Bongani Maseko (pictured left), will become its new chairman from January 1, 2018.

He will succeed outgoing chair, London City Airport's CEO, Declan Collier, who completes his two years stint in the hot seat at the end of the year.

Martn Eurnekin (pictured right), vice president of Corporacin Amrica and president of ACI Latin America and Caribbean (ACI-LAC), will serve as vice chair of ACI World after his appointment was confirmed at the organisation's World Annual General Assembly (WAGA) in Mauritius this week.

Like Maseko, his two year term begins in January 2018.

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Speaking at ACI's annual assembly, Maseko, said that it "was an extreme honour to be elected chair of ACI World" and promised to give it "his best shot".

Eurnekin proved he was a man of few words by simplying saying "thank you very much" to ACI members in attendance at the annual assembly.

However, afterwards he revealed that he was proud to accept the role and expressed gratitude to ACI World's GoverningBoard and ACI members for their confidence in supporting his election.

Speaking about the new appointments, ACI World's director general, Angela Gittens, said: "I congratulate Bongani Maseko and Martin Eurnekin on their appointments. Be aware that the bar has been set very high and I am used to receiving wise, strategic diection, and will expect no less from both of you."

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