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Airbus premiers at ITB Berlin Travel Show (8-12 March)

Empowering passengers to make best choices when travelling by air
iflyA380.com website and cabin differentiation trends exhibited

Every year, over 3.5 billion passengers travel by plane, and while most carefully plan their itineraries, until now they were unable to select the aircraft or cabin experience of their own choosing.


Airbus has set out to change this. The world’s leading aircraft manufacturer will empower the flying public by offering a range of initiatives enabling passengers to put their choices first. These will be presented at the ITB Berlin Travel Show, the world’s largest travel trade fair, on 8-12 March. Airbus Activities at ITB include:

Media Briefing & Announcement on Thursday 9thMarch at 15.00 inRoom R3 in the City Cube;
Airbus “iflyA380.com” standat Hall 25 (stand number 115)for a full immersion into the features of the iconic A380 aircraft;Airspace by Airbuscabin mock-up at theTAP stand in Hall 1.1;
Presentation by Bob Lange, Airbus Head of Market and Product Strategy, at the ITB Congress on Friday 10thMarch at 15.45 in the“Auditorium London” (Convention Hall 7.1b).

Customers today increasingly expect to design their own experiences. On March 9th in Berlin, Airbus will announce an exciting initiative to support airlines in differentiating their product offering based on aircraft type.

Also at ITB, Airbus will demonstrate iflyA380.com, the world’s first flight booking assistant to propose the A380 as criteria for passengers when selecting their trip. The new iflyA380.com website enables users to browse and search all flights, destinations and airlines offering A380 services. Once the desired A380 flight has been chosen, customers are taken seamlessly to the booking website of their selected airline, at no extra cost.

Independent surveys show that 98% of A380 passengers would recommend flying on the world’s most spacious aircraft to their friends and family, and that 60% are willing to make an extra effort to fly on it.* Being the passengers’ favourite, the A380 offers accessible luxury and unparalleled comfort in all classes. Today, the A380 has been enjoyed by over 160 million passengers around the globe. Flying with the world’s leading airlines** on 110 routes and over 55 destinations, the A380 has been named Best Aircraft Type by Global Traveller magazine for two years running.

“We know how much passengers love the A380. With iflyA380.com, we empower the flying public to choose the experience they truly desire. Now, travel to the destination can be just as enjoyable as the stay itself” says Bob Lange, Airbus Head of Market and Product Strategy, “Airbus aircraft offers key differentiators for airlines, adding value to the offering, and to the passengers, enhancing their experience."

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