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American Airlines Celebrity Ski Raises USD 1 million for Cystic Fibrosis

FORT WORTH, Texas—The 32nd annualAmerican Airlines(Nasdaq:AAL) Celebrity Ski inBeaver Creek, Coloradoconcluded onMarch 6and raised more thanUSD 1 millionfor theCystic Fibrosis Foundation. Funds will go directly to support the CF Foundation’s mission to find a cure for all people with cystic fibrosis (CF).

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"AtAmerican Airlines, bringing people together in support of worthy causes is part of our DNA. In the 32 years since this event began, life expectancy for those experiencing CF has more than doubled,” said American's Executive Vice President –People & Communications,Elise Eberwein. "The important work of theCystic Fibrosis Foundationis truly changing lives. Together with the more than 60 employee and retiree volunteers that bring this event to life every year, we support the foundation’s mission, and are committed to continuing to bring attention and research dollars to orphan diseases like CF.”

The CF Foundationhas done more to battle CF than any other organization, having raised and invested hundreds of millions of dollars to help discover and develop new and effective drug therapies to treat CF. American is proud to support the foundation’s noble work. American Airlines Celebrity Ski alone has raised more thanUSD 37 millionover the years thanks to the generosity of incredible sponsors and attendees.

“American Airlines is a longstanding champion of theCF Foundation, and we are incredibly grateful for their steadfast support over the last 30 years. Their early vision and willingness to support a cause that impacted a relatively small number of people has been a powerful enabler of our work,” saidMarc Ginsky, executive vice president and chief operating officer of theCystic Fibrosis Foundation. “American Airline’s support of the Foundation through the Celebrity Ski event, as well as other efforts, will enable us to continue our mission to provide better todays and more tomorrows for people with cystic fibrosis.”

More than 30 years ago, three young girls who live with CF were introduced to the event and the participants have watched their struggles and their victories over the years. Two sisters, Sam Pelican Monson and Libby Pelican Seamans, as well asPiper Beatty Welsh, are now in their 30s and married, Sam and Libby with children of their own.

Throughout the weekend more than 60American Airlinesteam members, retirees, and their loved ones worked hundreds of hours to make the event a success.

“This cause is so personal to all of the employee volunteers,” saidStevie Wallace, a 20-year volunteer and crew chief for Facilities Maintenance inBoston. “We all do this for the girls. During the Celebrity Ski weekend, I think of myself like their dad. I will do absolutely anything to take care of them. I’m blessed to be a father of healthy children and it’s important to me to take a step back and take care of these girls and their families. It’s an honor to be a part of this event.”

For more information about the waysAmerican Airlinesis giving back to the community, please visitAA.com/giving.

Press release American Airlines Group

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