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Dubai Airports adds Jones the Grocer express concept to DXB

First in a series of food and lifestyle concepts to be rolled out by Dubai Airports

Passengers can now enjoy artisan food right next to the boarding gate following the launch of gourmet brand Jones the Grocer’s express concept in Dubai International (DXB) Terminal 3 B Gates, the first in a series of unique bespoke food and lifestyle concepts to be rolled out at the world’s busiest international airport as it strives to transform the passenger experience and make the airport a destination on its own.

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In keeping with its desire to provide the best gourmet food for everyday living, Jones the Grocer’s DXB outlet serves its famous single origin coffees, croissants, muffins, sandwiches, salads, soups and hearty mains. All items are made fresh daily and packaged ready for immediate take away, perfect for passengers that are about to board their flights. Designed in Jones’ trademark contemporary yet casual dcor, the caf also featured seating for customers that want to enjoy delicious refreshments in stylish surroundings.

Eugene Barry, Executive Vice President – Commercial and Communications, Dubai Airports, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Jones the Grocer to DXB. Their express concept dovetails perfectly with our plans to expand the variety of “grab and go” food concepts. It is also the first in a series of food, lifestyle and cultural engagement partnerships that we will be rolling out in the months ahead as part of our strategy to create an airport experience that is second to none. It builds on the recent service successes we have had with the world’s fastest airport Wi-Fi, WOW-Fi, smart gates and musicDXB. There’s more to come. Watch this space.”

Operated by HMSHost International, the launch strengthens Dubai Airports’ long running partnership with the world’s largest airport food and beverage operator. The collaboration between Jones the Grocer, HMSHost International and Dubai Airports has developed the first Jones the Grocer in an airport and the world’s first Jones the Grocer express.

“The partnership with Jones the Grocer enables us to let guests at this dynamic global hub experience the Australian-born, gourmet retailer, award winning caf and bakery, with menu items featuring ingredients produced by specialist, artisan suppliers and items baked on site by the team,” said Walter Seib, CEO of HMSHost International which serves as the operator.

Jones the Grocer was established in 1996 with the launch of the flagship Australian store in Woollahra, Sydney, and now has stores across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE.

Jones the Grocer Express is located in Dubai International, Terminal 3 B Gates. Dubai International now offers over 150 eating options for passengers, catering to all tastes and budgets.

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