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Leo loves Rio - SITA baggage robot arrives at Rio"s busiest airport
Location:Rio de Janeiro31 March 2017

Leo, the innovative baggage robot, has arrived at Rio’s Tom Jobim International Airport, where over the next few days it will assist busy passengers check in their bags. Leo’s arrival at Rio’s busiest airport coincides with the International Brazil Air Show (IBAS) which is set to welcome more than 80,000 visitors this week.

Leo provides a glimpse into the future of baggage handling at airports which is being explored bySITA Lab, the technology research team at global IT provider SITA. Leo is a fully autonomous and self-propelling robot which looks after passengers’ baggage.

This robot can check in a passenger, print bag tags and transport two suitcases. It has an obstacle avoidance capability and can navigate in a high-traffic environment such as a busy airport. It is the first step to automating the baggage process from the moment passengers drop their bags to when they collect them.

Rio’s Tom Jobim International Airport is the first stop on the robot’s tour of South America with visits to Chile and Argentina also planned over the coming months. The demonstration of Leo’s capabilities is one of the many ways in which SITA is working with Azul to explore and deliver innovations that help smooth airport operations while easing the passenger journey through the airport.

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Cristiane Lunardi, IT Manager, Azul Airlines, said: “At Azul we are always looking at new ways to make our customers’ journey the best that it can be. Working with SITA to explore innovative technologies, like this new baggage robot, allows us to test our customers’ reaction to new ideas and ways to transform their journey with us. We are looking forward to seeing the special Rio welcome for Leo.”

Elbson Quadros, SITA Vice President, Latin America, said: “Brazil’s airlines and airports are embracing the future, looking at new ways to manage the growing number of passengers. Technology can ease the way and we at SITA are happy to be exploring new ideas with our customer Azul.

“This robot demonstrates that innovations can transform the passenger experience. Leo uses robotics and artificial intelligence to get bags from check-in to loading onto the correct flight without ever having to enter the terminal building or be directly handled by anyone other than the passengers themselves.”

Leo the baggage robot will be demonstrated with Azul at the airport until April 5thand then SITA will bring it to Argentina. Before that, it can be seen at the International Brazil Air Show (IBAS). Here SITA is hosting the Wings of Change Brazil Conference and will have Leo on show there from 29-31 March.

The air transport industry stands to witness a major shift in the use of innovative technologies. The era of biometric identification, robotics and artificial intelligence promises to change the way airports will be designed in the future, making for an easier journey.

SITA provides IT and communications to the world’s airlines and airports and almost every passenger journey relies on SITA technology.SITA Lab, it’s strategic research team, is at the forefront of travel technology innovation. This week SITA will be sharing its latest technology at IBAS, with SITA experts speaking on topics including Airport Innovation and Technology, Passenger Processing and Disruptive Technologies that will change air transport in the coming years.

Press release SITA

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