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Boeing Honors Suppliers for Outstanding Performance
- Annual awards program recognizes suppliers for value creation, exceeding customer expectations

DALLAS,April 12, 2017/PRNewswire/ --Boeing [NYSE: BA] has named its 2016 Supplier of the Year Award winners, recognizing 13 companies for the high-quality products, services and value they create for Boeing as well as its commercial airline and defense, space and security customers.

Strong performance and close collaboration with these award-winning suppliers helped Boeing exceed customers' expectations in 2016 while contributing to strong overall company performance and numerous program milestones.

"In order for Boeing to be the best in aerospace and an enduring global industrial champion—a top-performer in all areas of our business—we must have the best team, and our supply chain is absolutely vital to those efforts," said Boeing Chairman, President and CEODennis Muilenburg. "The global suppliers earning top honors this year demonstrated an unwavering commitment to quality, delivered customer value and partnered with us on cost-effective, innovative solutions."

In 2016, Boeing spent nearlyUSD 60 billionwith more than 13,000 suppliers from all 50 U.S. states and 48 countries. Supplier-provided components and assemblies make up approximately 65 percent of the cost of Boeing products.

"Boeing's success is a testament to the partnerships we hold with the finest aerospace suppliers in the world," saidKent Fisher, Boeing leader for enterprise Supplier Management. "Together we will continue to deliver affordable, technologically advanced products and services that give our customers a competitive edge."

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Supplier of the Year Award winners for 2016:

Orion Industries–Auburn, Wash., USA
Community Engagement Award– Supplier with demonstrated strategic investments, engagements and advocacy to strengthen the communities where we live and work.

Nabtesco Corporation– Gifu,Japan
Environment Award– Supplier with demonstrated leadership, outstanding performance or successful partnerships in a formal, measurable environmental program and culture of environmental leadership.

NIPPI Corporation–Yokohama, Japan
Collaboration Award– Supplier has worked with Boeing to achieve a shared goal in areas of innovation, process or product improvement.

Hoffman Construction Company–Seattle, Wash., USA
Safety Award– Supplier models a zero-injury mindset, investing in and implementing a formal, measurable safety program.

Victory Solutions, Inc.–Huntsville, Ala., USA
Support & Services Award– Supplier provides outstanding support or services to Boeing, including engineering support, logistical support and/or site services.

The EnCore Group–Huntington Beach, Calif., USA
Production & DesignAward– Supplier or institution has been instrumental in the design, modification or production of a product.

AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry (Group) Company Ltd.–Xi'an, China
Outstanding Performance Award– Supplier has exhibited superior performance and has achieved Boeing Performance Excellence Award status for five consecutive years.

Gary Jet Center–Gary, Ind., USA
Global Supplier Diversity Award– Small diverse supplier that has worked with Boeing to achieve a shared goal.

American Semiconductor–Boise, Idaho, USA
Pathfinder Award– Supplier delivers outstanding efforts and/or improvements during the year.

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation– Canberra,Australia
Technology Award– Supplier's outstanding performance in research and development has been instrumental in the introduction of new products to meet Boeing's current and future business needs.

AT&T–Dallas, Texas, USA
AdvantageAward– Supplier provides competitive advantage by exceeding cost performance goals and objectives for the product or services provided.

University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre–Rotherham, UK
Innovation Award– Supplier's outstanding performance in research and development efforts are instrumental in the introduction of new products to meet Boeing's current and future business needs.

GMN Aerospace–Seattle, Wash., USA
Alliance Award– Supplier contributes to Boeing's success by sharing risk and through long-term relationships that support and advance Boeing's strategic objectives.

Press release Boeing

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