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Fast self-service bag drop arrives at Stuttgart Airport

Eurowings passengers the first to enjoy faster bag drop

Stuttgart Airport today announced the launch of smooth and fast self-service bag drop. Passengers of the German low-cost airline Eurowings will be the first to enjoy the service,SITA Scan&Fly, which allows them to check in and drop their bags quickly.

Now passengers can check in their baggage in less than a minute which will result in fewer queues and a better passenger experience. The first units are in Terminal 1 with plans to roll out in Terminal 3 over the coming months so that more airlines, and more of the 10.5 million passengers who use the airport each year, will enjoy the convenience.

Wolfgang Mller, Chief Operating Officer, Stuttgart Airport, said: “SITA’s retro-fit solution was ideal, it utilizes our existing airport infrastructure so no additional terminal space was required. With Scan&Fly we look forward to fewer queues, happier passengers, and fast and safe bag drop.”

SITA is a global provider ofaward-winning baggage solutions. Airlines and airports welcome the high-quality interface of Scan&Fly, the ease of its retro-fit and the full integration with the SITA AirportConnect common-use platform. Importantly, the scan arch is designed to ensure that only conveyable bags with a readable bag tag enter the baggage handling system.

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Dave Bakker, SITA President, Europe, said: “Passengers want self-service and we know that they are happier at the steps of the journey where they have more choice and control in how they manage their trip. Retro-fitting self-service bag drop is a quick and easy way to make this happen. In fact, our solution Scan&Fly allows more passengers to drop their baggage within the same check-in area, with less queuing and can increase terminal capacity by up to 60%. It is the perfect choice for airports – its plug-and-play design means it can be installed overnight onto existing airport check-in desks. It’s easy to use so passengers and airlines love it too.”

At Stuttgart, Scan&Fly is fully integrated into the existing SITA AirportConnect common-use platform which enables remote control and support by SITA’s experienced engineers working 24/7 from SITA’sglobal command centers. In addition, Scan&Fly feeds information into theDay of Operations business intelligencesystem, which is used to monitor, predict, and manage daily airport operations.

Stuttgart Airport is an important hub for Eurowings, the first airline to use Scan&Fly at the airport, which flies to several European cities and leisure destinations as well as providing long-haul service to Atlanta.

Press release SITA

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