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ACJ Nimbus artwork makes Artexpo New York debut

ACJ Nimbus, the latest cloud-creativity of internationally renowned artist Berndnaut Smilde and professional photographer RJ Muna, is making its debut at Artexpo New York, where they are exhibiting for the first time.

“Creating ‘clouds in rooms’ is part of my passion for exploring the creativity of spaces, so it was intriguing when Airbus Corporate Jets proposed using it as a twist on the ‘putting rooms in clouds,’ which it does,” says Smilde.

“The challenge was to capture an ephemeral and living artwork, lasting only a few seconds, in a way that echoed elegance, space and relaxation,” adds Muna, who is attending the show.

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Smilde creates the clouds by spraying a fine mist of water in the air, and then blowing smoke onto it. “Every cloud is different,” explains Smilde, “but with practice you can get roughly the shape you want, where you want it.”

“Adopting a low camera viewpoint helped to put the clouds up in the air, where you normally see them, and to convey a sense of grandeur and freedom, while elements such as the bath, projector and gramaphone communicated relaxation,” adds Muna.

The ACJ Nimbus artwork comprises three scenes—“Serenity”, “Freedom” and “Harmony”—which act as a visual metaphor for owning and travelling in an Airbus corporate jet. The scenes tell the story, so they are simply accompanied by the tagline “Your world above the clouds.”

“Freedom” has a couple dancing in a large and elegant room, surrounded by gramophones. “Serenity” portrays a lady in a bath surrounded by candles, and “Harmony” shows a family watching a film on a projector, encircled film-cans.

The scenes echo the liberty of movement, relaxation and peacefulness that are the hallmark of travel in an Airbus corporate jet. They are being displayed in the VIP Lounge at Artexpo New York, and later at other high-end VIP events.

Creative agency Publicis led the project for Airbus Corporate Jets, which is the exclusive presenting partner of Artexpo New York. The scenes were shot in London.

About Berndnaut Smilde

Berndnaut Smilde, lives and works in Amsterdam. He has exhibited across The Netherlands, Toronto, Taipei, Istanbul, Dublin, Paris, London and San Francisco. His work consists of installations, sculptures and photos. Using his daily surroundings and spaces as motives, Smilde is interested in the temporal nature of construction and deconstruction. His works explore the balance between interior and exterior, size, the function of materials and architectural elements. His indoor clouds (known as the Nimbus series) was recognized by TIME Magazine as one of the “Top Ten Inventions of 2012.”

Websitehttp://www.berndnaut.nl/ Contactroxanna@ronchinigallery.com

About RJ Muna

RJ Muna is a San Francisco-based photographer with over 20 years’ experience of shooting premium brands. His diverse portfolio shows an exploration and appreciation of architectural locations, studies of dance that capture the emotion and kinetic energy of movement, as well as a variety of still life and conceptual fine art work. Many of his images combine surrealism with reality, all with an elegant feel. RJ has worked with Berndnaut before, capturing the artist’s clouds within a series of grand locations.

Websitehttp://www.rjmuna.com/ Contactstudio@rjmuna.com

About Airbus Corporate Jets

Airbus Corporate Jets (ACJ) creates the world’s most rewarding flying experiences for customers by providing them with unique expertise, the finest service, best technology and highest standards of care in corporate aviation.

All Airbus corporate jets come from the most modern aircraft family on the market. Derived from Airbus’ successful market-leading jetliners, ACJ customers are invariably close to Airbus’ global support network and, wherever in the world they choose to fly their aircraft, are supported around the world, around the clock.

The ACJ family gives customers the greatest choice of wide and spacious cabins, presenting inspiring and infinite possibilities in creating unique spaces that offer the best comfort and functions. Those customers who want even greater space to carry even more passengers can opt for one of ACJ’s full family of VIP widebodies that also deliver “non-stop to the world” range.

Customers choosing ACJ buy in to more than a product; they are making an investment in the future. They join a dedicated and exclusive community united in its quest for a unique flying experience.

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