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Riga Airport reaches a new April record in passenger figures

In April this year, Riga International Airport handled almost 490 thousand passengers, which is the largest number of passengers serviced in April in the Airport's history.

Passenger figures increased by 16.1% as compared to April last year, but during the first four months of 2017, the Airport handled 1.6 million passengers, which is an increase of 6.3% over 2016.

31.2% of the passengers serviced in April used the Airport for transit purposes, and it is 31.8% more than in April 2016. During the first four months, 451 835 transfer and transit passengers were handled at Riga Airport, which is 17.3% more than a year ago. The share of transfer and transit passengers in the first four months amounted to 27.8% of the total number of passengers.

During this period, almost 54% of Riga Airport passengers were carried by the national airline airBaltic, and its passenger figures increased by 23.3% as compared to the last year. Irish low-cost airline Ryanair carried 16.1%, while Hungarian low-cost airline Wizz Air carried 8.2% of passengers at Riga Airport.

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In the first four months, Riga Airport served 21 301 aircraft - almost 3% more than last year.

"Airport performance indicators in April confirm that the company has chosen the right development strategy by building a wide network of destinations and convenient connections to attract more transit and transfer passengers. We are very happy about the performance of the national airline, which shows both transfer and direct passenger growth. The data also demonstrate that SAS decision to launch flights to Copenhagen has been right. The number of passengers carried by this carrier, during the first four months has increased by more than 100%," says Ilona Līce, Chairperson of the Board of Riga International Airport.

During the summer tourist season, in mornings and evenings, an increased number of arriving and departing flights is expected at Riga Airport; therefore, the Airport urges also those passengers who have checked in on-line and are travelling with hand luggage only to arrive at the Airport at least 2.5 hours before their flight. The Airport would like to remind you that with the entry into force of the EU regulation on passenger data inspection, for passengers travelling to non-Schengen countries, border control may take longer than before, therefore passengers are urged to go to their boarding gate in a timely manner.

As reported before, this summer flight season 89 destinations will be available to passengers travelling from Riga Airport. The widest range of new destinations will be opened by the national airline airBaltic. The carrier will supplement its network of destinations with flights to Tampere (Finland), Odessa (Ukraine), Kazan (Russia), Aberdeen (United Kingdom), Stavanger (Norway), Geneva (Switzerland), Catania (Italy), Liepāja (Latvia), Madrid (Spain) and Gothenburg (Sweden).

As of 25 June, low-cost airline Wizzair will operate two new services twice weekly: to Reykjavik (Iceland) and Bari (Italy). In turn, Scandinavian Air System (SAS) since 26 March offers 12 flights weekly to Copenhagen (Denmark).

Press release Riga Airport

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