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Airbus BizLab boosts global start-ups to bring their projects to life

Nearly 1,000 start-ups have interacted with the BizLab over the last two years.

Thirty start-ups – from the three global BizLab accelerators in Toulouse, Hamburg and Bangalore – have pitched their projects at the “Airbus BizLab Summit” in Toulouse in front of an international audience of investors, BizLab partners and top managers from Airbus. Airbus BizLab, the global aerospace business accelerator, gives start-ups the unique opportunity to bring their ideas and vision to life.

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In parallel Airbus Bizlab is also launching its next call for projects featuring two firsts. It will be a joint call for projects between Hamburg and Toulouse, allowing the start-ups to select the location where they would like to be hosted. In addition, Airbus BizLab will open up a new social dimension by welcoming applications from start-ups operating in the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) environment. The next call for projects for the BizLab in Bangalore will be launched later this year.

Through the “Summit”, Airbus BizLab performs an important “facilitator” role for the start-ups by easing their access and exchange with the investor community and potential industrial partners as the start-ups present face-to-face their high quality project and eventually seek funding. Also, internal projects are pitched to Airbus management to showcase their successful achievements with the opportunity to benefit from a six month post acceleration programme to bring their project forward.

“We are proud to see open innovation moving forward. In just two years, Airbus BizLab has already been in contact with almost 1,000 start-ups from all over the world.” said Bruno Gutierres, Head of Airbus BizLab “It is key to identify inventive ideas and new services to meet future challenges and customers’ expectations.”

Airbus BizLab already counts several success stories including: theJetlitestart-up that developed a specific lighting system for reducing jetlag and secured a contract from a leading airline for their new A350 XWB; theUwinlocstart-up that has raised € 2.3 million to date with its innovative RFID tracking system; internal projects such as theiflyA380.comwebsite,the unique booking assistant tool for the iconic A380.

To find out more about Airbus BizLab and keep-up to speed on the latest news please visit:https://www.airbus-bizlab.com/

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