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Boeing to Showcase New Airplanes and Services at Paris Air Show

737 MAX 9 scheduled for flying display
P-8A Poseidon, V-22, AH-64 Apache, CH-47 Chinook and 787-10 Dreamliner on static display

CHICAGO,June 6, 2017/PRNewswire/ --Boeing [NYSE: BA] today confirmed that a 737 MAX 9 flight test airplane will participate in the flying display at the Paris Air Show, which runsJune 19-25at Paris-Le Bourget Airport.

The 737 MAX 9 completed its first flight in April, while Boeing and Malindo Air celebrated the first delivery of the 737 MAX 8 last month. The 737 MAX is the fastest-selling airplane in Boeing history, accumulating more than 3,700 orders to date from 87 customers worldwide.

From 12 to 30 June flights to EU countries from 763 UAH one way

Boeing also will bring to the show a 787-10 Dreamliner flight test airplane. The 787-10 is the newest and largest model of the 787 family with unmatched economics. The 787-10 completed its first flight in March and is scheduled to enter commercial service in 2018.

Ukraine Aviation Portal

Additionally, Boeing customers and partners will bring several aircraft toLe Bourget. Qatar Airways plans to present a 777-300ER, showcasing its newly designed business class interior. The U.S. Department of Defense is scheduled to display several Boeing platforms: the P-8A anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare aircraft, the V-22 multirole tilt-rotor aircraft, the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter, and the CH-47 Chinook heavy-lift helicopter.

Senior Boeing leaders at the show will include Chairman, President and CEODennis Muilenburg, and the heads of the company's three business units, Boeing Commercial Airplanes President and CEOKevin McAllister, Boeing Defense, Space & Security President and CEOLeanne Caret, and Boeing Global Services President and CEOStan Deal.

"We are excited to share our innovative commercial and defense platforms, and services capabilities with customers and other key stakeholders from around the world", saidMarc Allen, president, Boeing International.

Boeing will hold a series of briefings for the news media during the show. Accredited members of the media should check the daily briefing and announcement schedule at the Media Centre and the Boeing media chalet, located in the chalet rows at A332 for updates.

Follow @BoeingAirplanes, @BoeingDefense, @Boeing, @BoeingEurope and @BoeingFrance on Twitter and Boeing on Instagram, or online atwww.youtube.com/user/Boeingandhttp://www.boeing.com/for news and features from the show.

News media should visithttps://www.facebook.com/Boeing/events/for schedule updates on briefings and events as well as for news releases and background information. News media may also subscribe to Boeing updates via text message. Text the keyword BOEING, followed by your name and media affiliation, to +44 778 620 4265.

Monday, June 19
10.00Boeing Commercial Airplanes Update– Roland Garros Auditorium (Muse de l'Air et de l'Espace)

Boeing Commercial Airplanes President and CEOKevin McAllisterassesses current industry and market conditions and provides an update on Boeing commercial airplane products and services, development programs and product investments.

Tuesday, June 20–Thursday, June 22
The 737 MAX 9 and 787-10 will be available for tours to accredited members of the news media:

Tuesday, June 20, 12.00-13.00
Wednesday, June 21, 12.00-13.00 (737 MAX 9 only)
Thursday, June 22, 12.00-13.00 (737 MAX 9 only)

Due to limited capacity, please register for tours in advance at the Boeing Media Chalet (A332)

Tuesday, June 20
10.002017 Current Market Outlook/Services Market Outlook–Boeing Media Chalet Theatre (A332)

Boeing Commercial Airplanes Vice President of MarketingRandy Tinsethunveils 2017 Current Market Outlook/Services Market Outlook and addresses current industry and commercial aviation market conditions.

11.30BCA Integrated Development Strategy–Boeing Media Chalet Theatre(A332)

Boeing Commercial Airplanes Vice President and General Manager of Airplane Development Mike Delaney will give a briefing on executing our integrated development strategy and investing in our future

Wednesday, June 21
10.00Innovating the Future of Commercial Airplanes– Boeing Media Chalet Theatre (A332)

Boeing Commercial Airplanes Vice President of Product DevelopmentMike Sinnett, will present exciting new opportunities that will improve the efficiency, economics and environmental performance of future Boeing products.

Note: All times listed above are local toParis.

Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.

With corporate offices inChicago, Boeing employs approximately 145,000 people acrossthe United Statesand in more than 65 countries. The company also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide. Total company revenues for 2016 wereUSD 94.6 billion.

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