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Boeing Highlights Analytics Capability with Customer Orders, New Name
Boeing AnalytX recognizes aerospace industry's most comprehensive suite of data-driven solutions

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LE BOURGET,France,June 19, 2017/PRNewswire/ --Boeing [NYSE: BA] today launched Boeing AnalytX, bringing together the work of more than 800 analytics experts across the company, who are focused on transforming data into actionable insights and customer solutions.

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Boeing AnalytX unites existing analytics services and products across Boeing's commercial, defense and services businesses, its research and information technology capabilities and its family of companies.

"The amount of data created today is unprecedented. But it's not about the data on its own, it's what you do with it," saidTed Colbert, chief information officer and senior vice president of Information & Analytics at the Paris Air Show. "Through the products Boeing AnalytX powers, we are applying scientific processes to data to solve our customers' most pressing problems today while creating a world of limitless possibilities for the future."

As part of the launch, Boeing announced five agreements to provide customers with solutions powered by Boeing AnalytX. Agreements announced today include:

AirBridgeCargo signed an agreement to deploy Fuel Dashboard services across its entire fleet. Fuel Dashboard helps airlines reduce fuel consumption with total savings opportunities averaging over 4 percent. The tool is currently used on more than 1,500 airplanes around the globe.
China Airlines renewed a contract to provide Airplane Health Management's analytics-based predictive alerts on its fleet of 737NG and 747 freighters. China Airlines utilizes AHM analytics in taking predictive maintenance actions that help them improve efficiency and lower operating costs.
Delta Air Lines signed a contract to use AHM on its Boeing 717 fleet. This agreement expands Delta's use of AHM's analytics-based predictive alerts to encompass Boeing airplanes across its 737, 747, 767 and 777 fleets.
Korean Air signed an agreement with Boeing to provide AHM on its 787 and 777 fleet. Korean uses AHM's predictive analytics alerts to reduce delays and cancellations by scheduling maintenance in a controlled manner, avoiding schedule disruptions.
Turkish Airlines has added Jeppesen Fatigue Risk Management and Boeing Alertness Model tools through a new contract, to improve flight safety and working conditions for the airline's pilots and cabin crew members.

"Boeing has been working with its customers for decades to turn data into real-world tools that transform their business, saving them time and money and improving passenger experiences," saidStan Deal, president and CEO of Boeing Global Services.

"Around the world there are more than 4,300 airplanes covered by Boeing's Airplane Health Management, sending data direct from the airplane to airlines' operations and maintenance teams. For government customers we are reducing maintenance costs and increasing aircraft readiness through having the right information available at the right time. And our scientists are working every day to create the next product that turns data into deliverable solutions," Deal added.

Boeing and its family of companies offer a portfolio of analytics-driven products and services tailored for commercial and defense operators, targeting the domains of maintenance and engineering, flight operations, crew and supply chain. More information on the solutions powered by Boeing AnalytX is available atwww.boeing.com/analytx.

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