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Boeing Forecasts Growth in Aerospace Services Market

10-year combined aerospace services outlook projects USD 2.6 trillion demand in served commercial and government services20-year total commercial services outlook shows growth of up to USD 8.5 trillion

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LE BOURGET,France,June 20, 2017/PRNewswire/ --Boeing [NYSE: BA] has released a forecast for aerospace services demand, projecting the need for expansive services over the next 10 years, valued atUSD 2.6 trillion dollars.

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The company released its Services Market Outlook today at the Paris Air Show. The outlook shows the tremendous potential for growth in the aerospace services markets Boeing serves, including:

Maintenance, engineering and upgrades
Information services and analytics
Training and professional services

Trends in commercial and government aircraft and services show customers are relying on technology and data to drive smarter business decisions and improve the commercial passenger experience, as well as warfighter safety and effectiveness. Advances in connectivity are also making it easier to predict and respond to the forces that impact the success of aircraft and those they serve.

"It is clear that our customers, in both commercial and government sectors, are searching for more efficient ways to keep their fleets operating and ready for use in an age of rapid technological advancement," saidStan Deal, president and CEO of Boeing Global Services, Boeing's new dedicated services business focused on the needs of global defense, space and commercial customers.

WhileNorth AmericaandEuropewill remain the largest commercial services markets, the fastest growth over the next 10 years will occur inAsia. Overall, Boeing expects the total commercial aviation support and services 20-year market to be worth almostUSD 8.5 trillionbetween 2017 and 2036.

"As commercial airline fleets continue to grow worldwide, demand for aftermarket services designed to increase efficiency and extend the economic lives of airplanes will follow," Deal said.

In government services, growth of the United States market—currently the largest individual market—will remain flat. But international markets adding rotorcraft and commercial derivative aircraft, led byMiddle EastandAsia-Pacificcustomers, are expected to grow.

"Government aviation services are expected to significantly outpace overall fleet growth, driven in large part by sustainment and modernization requirements around the globe," Deal said."Using our distinct advantage of drawing upon expertise in both areas allows Boeing Global Services to provide the very best value to our customers while continuing to invest and grow in the services marketplace."

Boeing's Services Market Outlook is a long-term forecast, serving to guide long-term business planning, as well as share Boeing's view of industry trends. For more information, visithttp://www.boeing.com/.

Forward-Looking Information Is Subject to Risk and Uncertainty

Certain statements in this release may be "forward-looking" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "expects,""forecasts,""projects,""plans,""believes,""estimates" and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. Examples of forward-looking statements include statements relating to our future plans, business prospects, financial condition and operating results, as well as any other statement that does not directly relate to any historical or current fact. Forward-looking statements are based on current assumptions about future events that may not prove to be accurate. These statements are not guarantees and are subject to risks, uncertainties and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict.

Many factors could cause actual events to differ materially from these forward-looking statements, including economic conditions inthe United Statesand globally, general industry conditions as they may impact us or our customers, and other important factors disclosed previously and from time to time in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made and we undertake no obligation to update or revise any such statement, except as required by law.

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