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Boeing donates USD 1 million to six nonprofits at the Warrior Games

Includes USD 600,000 for U.S.-based veterans nonprofits to provide recovery and rehabilitation services to veterans

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CHICAGO,July 1, 2017/PRNewswire/ --Boeing (NYSE: BA) today announced aUSD 1 milliondonation to benefit six nonprofit organizations providing rehabilitation and well-being services for veteran and civilian groups, globally. The announcement was made in conjunction with Boeing's sponsorship of the2017 Department of Defense Warrior Gamestaking place throughoutChicago,June 30 to July 8.

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"The veterans competing in this years' games are not only distinguished athletes but true heroes who have defended freedom around the world," saidFlorent (Flo) Groberg, director of Veterans Outreach for Boeing. "These warriors' courage, sacrifice and unwavering pride in their service to country are powerful motivators for us here at Boeing and we are proud to support them both on and off the playing field."

In the U.S., donations benefited three nonprofit organizations: Yellow Ribbon Fund, Disabled SportsUSAand Team Red, White & Blue. The nonprofits provide rehabilitation and recovery services to veterans throughout the nation. Outside the U.S., beneficiaries were Limbs International, The Air League of theUnited Kingdomand the Australian War Memorial. Limbs International helps restore mobility to amputees in the developing world, and The Air League and Australian War Memorial support veterans and community outreach.

Funds were raised as part of the company's Boeing Moves the World employee well-being initiative. More than 60,000 Boeing employees came together around the globe to support mobility programs for those in need.

"Events like Boeing Moves the World and the 2017 Warrior Games demonstrate the commitment Boeing and its employees have to serving our communities and supporting veterans around the world," saidGreg Marchand, director of Global Benefits for Boeing. "Our employees are actively engaged in improving their health and well-being all while living the Boeing mission to help others and inspire the world."

The grants awarded in conjunction with Boeing's sponsorship of the 2017 Warrior Games include the following:

Yellow Ribbon Fund:USD 200,000to help provide practical direct support to recovering warriors and caregivers at Walter Reed and Fort Belvoir and vital assistance throughout the military to civilian transition process.
Disabled Sports USA:USD 200,000to develop programs that provide national leadership opportunities for individuals with disabilities to develop independence, confidence, and fitness through participation in community sports, recreation and educational programs.
Team Red, White & Blue:USD 200,000to help connect veterans to their community through physical and social activity.

The additionalUSD 400,000in grants will benefit international nonprofits focused on providing mobility services for veterans in theUnited KingdomandAustraliaas well as civilian populations.

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