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Boeing, Japan Airlines Announces Order for Four 787-8 Dreamliners
New airplanes to boost capacity on domestic routes

SEATTLE, Sept. 20, 2017
/PRNewswire/ --Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Japan Airlines (JAL) announced an
order today for four 787-8 Dreamliners. The order, which was previously
listed on the Boeing Orders & Deliveries website, attributed to an unidentified customer, is valued at more than USD 900 million at current list prices and will expand JAL's Dreamliner fleet to 49 airplanes.

"This order for additional 787
Dreamliners, is a key part of our strategy as we look to bolster our
existing route network and strengthen our position ahead of the 2020
Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo," said Yoshiharu Ueki,
President of Japan Airlines. "The superior noise performance of the 787
will play a critical role in meeting our commitment for quieter
operations within our domestic network going forward."

Japan Airlines currently
operates the second largest 787 Dreamliner fleet in the world, with 34
airplanes. The carrier is expected to receive its 35th Dreamliner, a 787-9 later this week. With this new order, Japan Airlines' 787 fleet include 29 787-8s and 20 787-9 airplanes.

"We are honored to partner with
Japan Airlines once again as they further expand their world-class fleet
with additional 787 Dreamliners," said Kevin McAllister,
President and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "JAL has been able to
successfully grow its business over the years, while generating healthy
profits due to the efficiency and reliability of their 787 fleet."

Japan Airlines became the first
airline in the world to take delivery of a 787 powered by fuel-efficient
General Electric GEnx engines in 2012. In addition, JAL was one of the
first airlines to launch new routes with the 787, as it launched its Boston and San Diego routes with the Dreamliner that same year.

The 787 Dreamliner family is
being operated on more than 530 routes, with 150 brand new nonstop
routes planned or in service since the airplane began commercial service
in 2011. To date, 69 customers worldwide have placed orders for 1,278
airplanes, making the 787 Dreamliner the fastest selling twin-aisle
airplane in Boeing history.

About Japan Airlines:
Japan Airlines (JAL) was founded in 1951 and became the first international airline in Japan. A member of the oneworld®
alliance, the airline now reaches more than 344 airports in 56
countries and regions together with its codeshare partners with a modern
fleet of more than 227 aircraft. JAL Mileage Bank (JMB), the airline's
loyalty program, has reached over 31 million members worldwide. Awarded
one of the most punctual major international airlines, JAL is committed
to providing customers with the highest levels of flight safety and
supreme quality in every aspect of its service, and aims to become the
most preferred airline in the world.

Mark Morimoto
Corporate News Group
Public Relations

Rob Henderson
Boeing Japan Communications
+81 (0) 90 1420 9662

Kevin Yoo
International Communications
Boeing Commercial Airplanes
+1 206-249-6372

Photo and caption are available here: http://boeing.mediaroom.com

Boeing News

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