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India has issued two postage stamps to commemorate the 75th anniversary of aircraft operations on the site of Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport.

The stamps, the first ever issued to an airport by India's Department of Posts, highlight the impressive design of the present day terminal and cost 5 and 15 rupees respectively.

They were unveiled at a special event organised specifically to honour the memory of the Late JRD Tata, who on October 15, 1932, piloted the first flight of Tata Air Services from Karachi to Mumbai via Ahmedabad carrying airmail.

The British Royal Air Force later commenced operations from Santacruz, a military airfield, in 1942.

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Post independence, the airfield was transferred to the Indian Government for civilian use and came to be known as Santacruz airport.

The hangars of Royal Air Force Santacruz were converted into terminals for passenger traffic, with one hangar used as a domestic terminal and the other as an international terminal.

With the passage of time the passenger traffic increased and so did the need for the systematic development of the airport.

In 2006, under a Public-Private-Partnership initiative, the operations of the airport were entrusted to the Mumbai International Airport Pvt Ltd. (MIAL), a joint venture between the GVK led consortium and the Airports Authority of India.

In addition to refurbishing the existing terminals and improving airside infrastructure, MIAL made significant improvements to the aesthetics and passenger convenience with the creation of the state-of-the-art Terminal 2 (depicted on the stamps), which the operator claims set new benchmarks in service quality and efficiency.

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Commenting on the occasion, Dr GVK Reddy, executive chairman of MIAL, said: “It is a matter of great pride and honour for us at GVK to have been involved in a part of the Mumbai Airport’s incredible journey of 75 years.

"We ventured into the aviation sector in 2006 when we were given the mandate to operate, manage and develop the Mumbai Airport, and set about our task of transforming the airport into a world-class facility.

"While facing innumerable challenges we have been able to accomplish our vision of creating an edifice worthy of being the pride of Mumbai and India."

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (CSIA) is one of the city’s most prominent structures, and a landmark monument that contributes to the distinct identity of Mumbai and the country at large.

In addition to refurbishing the existing terminals and improving airside infrastructure, GVK MIAL made significant improvements to aesthetics and passenger convenience through Terminal 2, setting a new benchmark in service quality and efficiency.

According to MIAL, the airport was conceptualised as a structure that resounded with the richness of Indian culture and traditions.

It states: "As much as it showcased Indian beauty to the world, the building was inherently designed to bring Indians closer to their own heritage.

"The terminal design draws inspiration from the national bird, the peacock, with the motif of the peacock feather incorporated into several aspects of the architecture.

"The terminal also houses ‘Jaya He’, the country’s largest public art programme, which brings together artwork from every corner of India for travellers to witness in one monumental installation.

"True to the national anthem, ‘Jaya He’ aspires to bring glory to the nation and its multi-faceted beauty."

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