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Boeing, CDB Aviation Finalize Order for 52 737 MAXs and Eight 787 Dreamliners
USD 7.4 billion deal first announced at 2017 Paris Air Show

Puts 737 MAX program over 4,000 orders


SEATTLE, Nov. 9, 2017
/PRNewswire/ --Boeing [NYSE:BA] and CDB Aviation today finalized an
order for 42 737 MAX 8s, 10 737 MAX 10s and eight 787-9 Dreamliners.

The order, valued at USD 7.4 billion
at current list prices, was announced as a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) at the 2017 Paris Air Show. The order includes a conversion of six
737 MAX 8 orders, to the 737 MAX 10.

CDB Aviation, one of the largest
and most influential Chinese-owned aviation leasing companies, is part
of the launch customer group for the 737 MAX 10, the newest member of
Boeing's 737 MAX family.

"The 737 MAX and the 787
Dreamliner are some of the most advanced, most fuel-efficient airplanes
in the world today," said CDB Aviation President and Chief Executive
Officer Peter Chang. "We're confident that the reliability,
efficiency and superior economics of the MAX and Dreamliner families
will be very appealing to our customers."

Based in Dublin, Ireland,
CDB Aviation operates as a wholly owned Irish subsidiary of China
Development Bank Financial Leasing Co., LTD (CDB Leasing) (HKEX stock
code:1606) and features a committed fleet of over 300 aircraft.

"CDB Aviation is a leader in the
leasing market and we're excited the 737 MAX and 787 Dreamliner will be
the pillars of its growing fleet," said Boeing Commercial Airplanes
President & CEO Kevin McAllister.

The 737 MAX family is the
fastest-selling airplane in Boeing history with over 4,000 orders from
93 customers worldwide. Boeing has delivered more than 30 737 MAX
airplanes this year.

"Being one of the launch
customers of the MAX 10 and bringing the MAX family's orders over the
4,000 milestone further demonstrates CDB Aviation's steadfast efforts to
advance its global mission and deliver the latest technology aircraft
to current and prospective customers," added Chang.

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the
fastest-selling twin-aisle airplane in history. Boeing has delivered
more than 600 787s entering service in 2011, flying more than 200
million people on more than 610 unique routes, saving over 19 billion
pounds of fuel.

About CDB Aviation
Aviation Lease Finance DAC (CDB Aviation) is a wholly owned Irish
subsidiary of China Development Bank Financial Leasing Co., Limited (CDB
Leasing) a 33-year-old Chinese leasing company that is backed mainly by
the China Development Bank. China Development Bank is under the direct
jurisdiction of the State Council of China and is the
world's largest development finance institution. It is also the largest
Chinese bank for foreign investment and financing cooperation, long-term
lending and bond issuance, enjoying Chinese sovereign credit rating. www.CDBAviation.AERO

CDB Leasing is the only leasing arm of the China Development Bank and a leading company in China's
leasing industry that has been engaged in aircraft, infrastructure,
ship, commercial vehicle and construction machinery leasing and enjoys a
Chinese sovereign credit rating. It took an important step in July 2016 to globalize and marketize its business – listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX STOCK CODE: 1606).


Paul Thibeau
CDB Aviation
+1 612-594-9844

Tom Kim
Boeing Commercial Airplanes
Communications & Media Relations
+1 206-519-8285


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