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Boeing, Azerbaijan Airlines Announce Deal for 787 Dreamliners, Freighters, 787 Landing Gear ...
Azerbaijan Airlines grows its 787 Dreamliner fleet from two to seven

The airline will be the launch customer for the 787 landing gear exchange program

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 12, 2017
/PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE:BA] and Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL)
announced an order for five more 787-8 Dreamliners and a commitment to
purchase two large freighters. The agreement, announced at the 2017
Dubai Air Show, is valued at about USD 1.9 billion at current list prices.

The freighter commitment will be finalized at a later time.

Azerbaijan Airlines also
announced it will be the launch customer for the 787 Landing Gear
Exchange Program whereby Boeing Global Services will provide the carrier
with a lower-cost solution for overhauled and certified landing gears
for its Dreamliner fleet, which now grows to seven airplanes.

"Ordering additional 787
Dreamlinerairplaneswill greatly expand our airline's capabilities,
allowing us to serve new destinations and carry more passengers," said
AZAL President JahangirAskerov. "We are delighted to expand our
partnership with The Boeing Company, which has been a reliable partner
in supplying modern airplanes, and helping us operate and maintain the

"We appreciate Azerbaijan
Airlines' growing confidence in the Boeing 787 and the airplane's
market-leading fuel efficiency and passenger-pleasing features," said Kevin McAllister, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "The 787 Dreamliner will play a key role in Azerbaijan's fleet modernization plan, help them open new routes, and contribute to their long-term success."

"Boeing is excited to launch the 787 landing gear exchange program with Azerbaijan Airlines," said Stan Deal,
President and CEO of Boeing Global Services. "This program will keep
the airline's 787s flying while providing a cost-effective and reliable
alternative to buying new landing gear and performing equipment

Azerbaijan Airlines is a major air carrier and industry leader in the Central Asia
region, serving 40 destinations in 25 countries. The airline currently
flies two 787 airplanes as well as a fleet of Boeing 757 and 767s.

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the
fastest-selling twin-aisle airplane in history. More than 65 customers
have ordered more than 1,275 Dreamliners to date thanks to the family's
ultra-fuel efficiency and passenger-preferred experience. The 787 fleet
has flown more than 200 million passengers while saving over 19 billion
pounds of fuel, enabling airlines to open more than 170 new nonstop
routes around the world.

Boeing's 787 Landing Gear
Overhaul and Exchange Program provides a simple and economical solution
for managing landing gear overhauls, while building on Boeing's
successful history of exchange programs. Through the offering, a carrier
can exchange landing gears that need to be repaired or overhauled for
another set of certified landing gear from a pool that Boeing maintains.
This service eliminates the need for operators to contract, schedule
and manage the overhaul process.

Boeing Global Services, headquartered in Texas,
was formed by integrating the services capabilities of the government,
space and commercial sectors into a single, customer-focused business.
Operating as a third business unit of Boeing, Global Services provides
agile, cost-competitive services to commercial and government customers

Elena Alexandrova
Russia & CIS Communications
Boeing Commercial Airplanes
+7 495 797 3415


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