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The latest news from ACI’s World Business Partners

Double delight for Siemens

It has been a very good summer for Siemens Postal, Parcel & Airport Logistics (SPPAL), which has won a major order to implement a cutting-edge cloud-based software platform for dnata’s Dubai cargo operations and been awarded a contract to modernise and maintain the baggage handling systems at 13 of the 14 Greek regional airports operated by Fraport Greece.

The Dubai deal will allow all land transport processes up to the ramp to be handled digitally at both Dubai International Airport (DXB) and Al-Maktoum International-Dubai World Central (DWC) airports.

According to Siemens, the benefits for dnata will include significantly increased transparency and seamless, IT-based co-operation with freight forwarders, agents and airlines.

Taking about the Greek regional airport contract, SSPAL CEO, Michael Reichle enthuses: “We are helping in this major step to improve the airport infrastructure in Greece.

“At the same time, the modernisation of the airports plays a major role in raising passenger satisfaction – among tourists and all other passengers to and from Greece.”

To thoroughly modernise the baggage handling systems, Siemens is installing equipment that includes the latest VarioBelt conveyors, vertical sortation units (VSUs) and horizontal diverting units (HDU).

In addition it will integrate Standard 3 X-ray equipment for hold baggage screening (HBS) to further improve security.

The scope of delivery also includes smart SCADA software for monitoring and controlling the technical processes.

December date in Dakar for Lagardre

Lagardre Travel Retail has been awarded a ten-year contract to operate and manage shops at Senegal’s new Blaise Diagne International Airport, which is finally set to open for business on December 7.

Located 50 kilometres east of capital, Dakar, the USD 575 million gateway will replace Dakar’s capacity constrained Leopold Sedar Senghor International Airport, which handled close to two million passengers in 2016.

Lagardre will operate over 1,000sqm of duty free shopping space at the airport offering perfumes and cosmetics, confectionery, tobacco, liquor, accessories and electronics.

It will also manage a 100sqm Relay store, which will sell newspapers, magazines, books, snacks and souvenirs.

Lagardre Travel Retail’s chairman and CEO, Dag Rasmussen, says: “We are very proud to have been awarded this new concession in Senegal, which is the 33rd country in which we will be present in travel retail.

“Lagardre is entering a new region that offers many opportunities for our group.

“We will do our utmost to live up to the expectations and to provide a service and experience of the highest quality.”

It has taken more than a decade to construct the new airport, which will boast a capacity of 10mppa and is expected to handle around three million passengers in its first year of operations.

The airport itself will be operated by a consortium comprising private companies Summa and Limak, and AIBD SA, a 100% Senegalese government owned entity.

К списку новостей
Аэропорты Украины:Киев, Борисполь | Днепропетровск | | Запорожье | Ивано-Франковск| Львов | Одесса | | | Харьков | Черновцы
Аэропорты Мира: Абу-Даби | Алматы | Амман, Куин Алия | Анталия |Амман | Амстердам, Схипхол | Астана | Афины, Элефтэрайос Венизелос | Ашгабад | Баку, имени Гейдар Алиева | Батуми | Бангкок, Суварнабуми | Барселона, Эль Прат | Белград, имени Никола Тесла | Берлин, Тегель | Брюссель | Будапешт, Ферихеджи | Бургас | Бухарест, Генри Коанда | Ванкувер | Вена, Швехат | Варшава, Фредерика Шопена | Венеция | Валенсия | Вашингтон | Владивосток | Гамбург | Гоа | Гавана | Гонконг, Чек Лап Кок | Гуанчжоу, Байюнь | Гянджа | Даламан | Дрезден | Душанбе | Дюссельдорф | Доминикана | Дели, Индиры Ганди | Дубаи | Женева | Загреб | Лондон, Гэтвик | Лондон, Хитроу | Инсбрук, Кранебиттен | Каир | Калининград, Храброво |Кишинев | Копенгаген | Краков | Краснодар | Кипр | Кельн | Лиссабон | Лос Анджелес | Ларнака | Ираклион | Иерусалим | Иркутск | Мадрид, Барахас | Мали (Мале) | Милан, Линате | Минск | Мальдивы | Мексика | Мальта | Москва, Домодедово | Москва, Шереметьево | Мюнхен, им.Штрауса | Неаполь, Каподичино | Ницца | Новосибирск | Нижневартовск | Нью-Йорк, им. Кеннеди | Оттава | Осло | Париж, Орли | Париж, Шарль де Голль | Пекин | Прага, Рузине | Рига | Рим, Фиумичино | Сеул, Инчхон | Сидней, Кингсфорд Смит | Сингапур, Чанги | София |Санкт-Петербург, Пулково | Стамбул, Ататюрк | Стокгольм, Арланда | Таллин, имени Леннарта Мерри | Ташкент | Тбилиси, Лочини | Тель Авив, Бен-Гурион | Тимишоара | Токио, Нарита | Торонто, Пирсон Интернешнл | Уфа | Франкфурт | Ханой, Ной Бай | Хельсинки, Вантаа | Хошимин, Тан Шон Нят | Хургада | Хорватия | Ростов | Рио де Жанейро | Сан-Франциско | Штутгарт | Шарм эль Шейх | Цюрих, Клотен | Шанхай, Пу Донг | Актау | Бахрейн | Вильнюс | Дамаск | Йоханнесбур | Куала Лумпур | Кувейт | Карачи | Карловы Вары | Костанай | Кутаиси | Люблюяна | Маскат | Порто | Нижневартовск | Ростов | Салоники | Самара | Сплит | Фаро | Франкфурт | Фуншал | Штутгарт | Ереван |

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